Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein
Radio Interface Regulation

784.101.21 / RIR06011)

121.5 MHz / 243.0 MHz
GMDSS / VHF homing equipment
Edition 4.1 / 01.01.2021

Nr Parameter2)DescriptionComments
1Radiocommunication serviceAeronautical mobile (R)-
2ApplicationEPIRBsMaritime Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs).
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) / Transmission of radio signals on 121,5 MHz or 121,5 MHz and 243 MHz for locating vessels, survival craft and man-overboard in distress.
3Frequency bandA: 121.45 - 121.55 MHz
B: 242.95 - 243.05 MHz
Band A: 121.5 MHz homing frequency.
Band B: 243.0 MHz homing frequency.
5Modulation / Occupied bandwidthA3X-
6Direction / Separation--
7Transmit power / Power densityMax. 100 mW e.r.p.e.p.Min. 75 mW e.r.p.e.p. (Effective Radiated Peak Envelope Power).
Min. 25 mW e.r.p.e.p. for man-overboard devices.
8Channel access and occupation rules--
9Authorisation regimeSwitzerland: Notification required.
Liechtenstein: Individual assignment required.
Radio equipment is listed in the 'Ship station license'.
Radio equipment shall not be operated on Swiss territory and the Principality of Liechtenstein.
10Additional essential requirementsEN 300 152See also SR 784.101.21, VFAV, Anhang 1.
11Frequency planning assumptions--
12Planned changes--
13ReferenceEN 300 152 /-/-.Effective use of spectrum / ECC Decisions / ECC Recommendations.
14Notification number2009/9501/CH
15RemarksEN 60945, SOLAS, ITU-R, IMO.-

Normative part: 1 to 11
Informative part: Nr 12 to 15

1) RIR for similar and/or other applications are available under: https://www.bakom.admin.ch/bakom/en/home/frequenzen-antennen/nationaler-frequenzzuweisungsplan/schnittstellen-anforderungen.html
2) For explanations and legal status, please refer to basis document 784.101.21 / RIR0000